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Tim Genewein

Information-optimal hierarchies for inference and decision-making

London, UK

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Grau-Moya J, Leibfried F, Genewein T, Braun D.A. (2016) Planning with Information-Processing Constraints and Model Uncertainty in Markov Decision Processes. ECML PKDD 2016, Riva del Garda, Italy, Proceedings, Part II

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Jordi Grau-Moya presented our paper on Planning with Information-Processing Constraints and Model Uncertainty in Markov Decision Processes at ECML 2016. In the paper, the free energy principle for decision-making is used to model different traits of (human) decision-making in a Markov decision-process (MDP):

  • bounded rationality, that is decision-making under limited computational resources. In the MDP setting this corresponds to agents, that cannot produce deterministic policies but rather have some degree of stochasticity (noise) in their action-selection/-execution.
  • model uncertainty - the agent is aware that its (state-transition-) model of the environment does not precisely reflect the true world and thus allows optimistic or pessimistic deviations from that model to drive exploration.

The application of the free-energy principle to planning in the MDP setting leads to a value-iteration like scheme, that allows to model both bounded rationality but also model uncertainty. Interestingly, the degree of bounded rationality but also the degree of model uncertainty is governed by a continuous parameter. For model-uncertainty, this parameter can produce exploration behavior on a a continuum between optimism, indifference or pessimism in the face of uncertainty, which could be very interesting for a general robot-learning framework where the model-uncertainty attitude is governed by the task-setting (an autonomous car should probably explore in a very conservative fashion, whereas a simulated robot can potentially explore with great optimism to speed up learning).