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Tim Genewein

Information-optimal hierarchies for inference and decision-making

London, UK

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From July 13th to 24th the machine learning summer school (MLSS) was held at our institute, the Max Planck institute for Intelligent Systems in Tuebingen. I was involved as part of the team of local helpers that made sure things run smoothly for all the participants.

It was quite interesting to be involved in (parts of) the organization and execution of such an event. The summer school was attended by more than 120 participants with a lot more applications (unfortunately the number of participants is limited due to space constraints of the lecture hall). As last time when the MLSS was held here in Tuebingen, the summer school featured an excellent selection of speakers and was complemented by loads of social activities that left room for participants to interact. I was impressed to see so many really interesting research projects presented by participants in the poster sessions and also how often similar questions appear in completely different contexts.